cadaver = dead body, cadaver
caelebs = bachelor, single man
caelum = heaven, sky
caementarius = stonemason
calcearius = shoemaker
calciator = shoemaker
caledonia = Scotland
caligator = shoemaker
cambria = Wales
cameranius = chamberlain, valet, groom
camparius = person who lives in a field hut
campo, ie caupo = publican
can. (canonicus) = religious
capella = chapel
capellanus = chaplain
capellanus = chaplain
capitis = head, chief
capt et jurat = taken and sworn
caput = head, chief
carbonarius = collier, coal miner
carecarius = carter
caries = decay
carnarius = butcher
carpentarius = carpenter; the man doing wagon's; wheel maker; wheelwright
carta = deed, charter, map
casa = hut, hovel, mud hut, military hutment but also property at the country, land
casale = estate, village
casatus = cottager
cataster = land, property record
catholicus = [Roman] Catholic
caupo (cauponis) = publican, innkeeper
causa = cause, sake, because of
celator = turner
celebraverunt = they celebrated, were married
census = census
centenarius = a person one hundred years of age
centesimus = hundredth
centum = hundred
cerdo (cerdonis) = handworker
chartarius = paper miller
chirotherarus = glover
chirurgus = surgeon
chramarius = merchant
cimeterium = cemetery
cingarus = gypsy
circa = about, around, round about
circiter = about, approximately
circumforaneus = "foras" and "foris" as "outdoors", so in the context of an occupation, I would guess something like "peddler" or "traveling salesman" (somebody who goes around outside for a living). Also, "foraneus" is still a term used in the Catholic Church (as in "vicarus foraneus")
circumforaneus = "open market debit" or "fair dues"/ tax collector?
civis = citizen
clausit = he/she finished, closed
claustrarius = locksmith
clausum = closed, finished
clericus = clergyman
clostrarius = locksmith
coeleb = unmarried, single ( column entry: "juvenis" young man \ "virgo" maiden)
coelebs = bachelor, single man
coemeterium = cemetery
cognationis = blood relationship
cognomen = surname
cognomen = name, family name, surname
cognomen = name, surname
collati S. (Sancti) = administration of a sacrament
Collati S. Baptismi = Sacrament of Baptism administered ?
collatus = transferred
collis = hill
colon(us) (abbreviated as col.) = colonist, settler, resident, farmer, peasant, farmer who owns land (inhabitant in general?), land owner, landlord
colorator = dyer
columarius = cultivator
comes = count
comitas = county
comitatus = county
comitissa = countess
commater = godmother
commorantes = living, residing
comparatio = presence, appearance
comparuit = he/she appeared, was present
compater = godfather
compater, commater = godparent
compos = in possession of
concepta est = she was pregnant
concessit = consented
conditio = status (usage: "occupation" in addition to "nobility" vs "commoner")
conditio et religio = Belief and Religion
conditione = sub, conditionally
conjugata = wife
conjugati = wedding couple, married
conjugati sunt = were married; literally: (were) put under the same yoke
conjugatus = married, and also husband
conjugatus provisio = married and witnessed
conjuges = married couple
conjugum = of/from the married couple
conjuncti = marriage
conjuncti sunt = they were joined (in marriage)
conjunx = married person/female, spouse, wife
consanguinitas, -atis = of blood relationship (such as cousins), consanguinity (anything closer than third cousin "blood relationship" would be an impediment to marriage)
consobrina = female cousin (usually on the mother's side)
consobrinus = male cousin (usually on the mother's side)
consors (consortis) = wife
constitum = divorce
contra = against, opposite
contracti = contracted, drawn together
contraxerunt = they contracted (marriage)
cooperator, coopereator = vicar, chaplain
cooperta = married (of a woman)
copulata (f.), copulatus (m.) cum = bound with, joined with ( i.e., married to …)
copulati = married
copulati sunt = they were married, joined
copulation, copulati = marriage
copulationis = of marriage
copulatorum = wedding
copulatus = married, joined
copulavit = he married (performed wedding)
coquus = cook
coquus = cook
coram = in the presence of
coriarius = tanner, leather worker
corpus (corporis) = body
cotarius = cottager
coturnarius = probably the man making the "cothurnus"/ ie some kind of [top]boots
cras = tomorrow
creatura dei = foundling (creature of God)
cui impositum est nomen = to whom was given the name
cuius = whose
cuiusdam = of a certain
cultellarius = cutler
cum = with
cuprifaber = coppersmith
cur = why
curatia = parish without a permanent priest ?
curator = director, manager
curator ecclesiae = the church's administrator [or servant, supervisor]
curia = court
currarius = carriage builder
custos (custodis) = custodian, guard
custos vinearum = wine maker


cachexia = extreme wasting, as in starvation, advanced cancer or heart disease, etc.
cachexia senilis = cachexia/ general poor health, with weakness and malnutrition; applied sometimes to mental health; senilis/ senile
cachexy = malnutrition
cacogastric = upset stomach
cacospysy = irregular pulse
caduceus = subject to falling sickness or epilepsy
cancor (cancher) = cancer
cancrum otis = a severe, destructive, eroding ulcer of the cheek and lip, rapidly proceeding to sloughing. The disease was the result of poor hygiene acting upon a debilitated system. it commonly followed one of the eruptive fevers and was often fatal. The destructive disease could, in a few days, lead to gangrene of the lips, cheeks, tonsils, palate, tongue, and even half the face; teeth would fall from their sockets, and horribly fetid saliva flowed from the parts. Synonyms: gangrenous stomatitis
carcinoma = cancer; a malignant and invasive growth or tumor (especially tissue that covers a surface or lines a cavity), tending to recur after excision and to spread to other sites
carcinoma faciei = carcinoma/cancer; facies/face
carcinoma ventriculie = cancer at stomach [but ventriculus is also one of hart's chambers]
careim ventrie = caries/decay ventrie/ventriculus/stomach OR ventricle of the hart
catalepsia = condition which causes seizures/trances or unconsciousness causing microorganisms (germs) or their toxins
catharus, [?]catarrhus = cold [in the head]
cerebritis = inflammation of cerebrum or lead poisoning
chlorosis = iron deficiency anemia; condition of pale or greenish skin, weakness, dyspepsia
cholecystitis = inflammation of the gall bladder
cholelithiasis = stones of the gall bladder
cholera infantum = a common, noncontiguous diarrhea of young children, occurring in summer or autumn characterized by gastric pain, vomiting, purgation, fever, and prostration
cholera morbus = characterized by nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, elevated temperature, etc. could be appendicitis
cholerae = an acute, infectious disease, characterized by profuse diarrhea, vomiting, and cramps caused by a potent toxin discharged by the bacterium vibrio cholerae, which acts on the small intestine to cause secretion of large amounts of fluid. The painless, watery diarrhea and the passing of rice water stool are characteristic. Great body salt depletion occurs. Cholera is spread by feces contaminated water and food
chronic = persisting over a long period of time as opposed to acute or sudden. This word was often the only one entered under "cause of death" in the mortality schedules. The actual disease meant by the term is open to speculation
cinanche trachealis = a skin eruption of weal's (smooth, slightly elevated areas on the skin) which is redder or paler than the surrounding skin. Often attended by severe itching, it usually changes its size or shape or disappears within a few hours. It is the dermal evidence of allergy. Because true hives does not kill, croup was probably the actual cause of death in those children
colyra = cholera
communis = in the Latin-English dictionary the definition is: common, general, run of the mill. Cause of death from "communis" indicates that the person was probably old or died from natural causes. In other words they had multiple medical problems, any of which could have contributed to their death. They did not die from a clearly definable cause like a stroke or heart attack or trauma. In the old days if an old person died in their sleep they were said to have died communis
consumption = a wasting away of the body; formerly applied especially to pulmonary tuberculosis. The disorder is now known to be an infectious disease caused by the bacterial species mycobacterium tuberculosis. Synonyms: marasmus, phthisis
convulsiones = severe contortion of the body caused by violent, involuntary muscular contractions of the extremities, trunk, and head. Epilepsy
convulsionis = of convulsions
costiveness = constipation
croup = hoarse croaking cough associated with swelling of the larynx and trachea and bronchi
cyanosis = [cyaneus/ azure; dark blue] dark skin color; blueness of skin caused by lack of oxygen in blood [rare heart disease]
cynanche trachealis = any obstructive condition of the larynx (voice box) or trachea (windpipe), characterized by a hoarse, barking cough and difficult breathing occurring chiefly in infants and children. The obstruction could be caused by allergy, a foreign body, infection, or new growth (tumor).
cystitis = inflammation of the bladder